Category Archives: Uncategorized

Slow to update

Hi all!  Just wanted everyone to know that we are still trying to keep this site updated… we’ve just had a busy end of summer/fall! 

The news (for all who haven’t heard yet) is that we’re expecting again!  Our second child’s due date is May 19, 2010.  El doesn’t quite understand, but she’s agreeable to being a “big sister” even if she’s not sure what that means. 

I am using the babe-on-the-way as part of my excuse for not updating the site.  Man, I forgot how *exhausted* you can get in the first trimester.  I have absolutely no ambition to do *anything*.  I’m also trying to not drop the ball with the theater (although we’re in a holding pattern waiting for our surveys to trickle in), so this site may very well get neglected.  Maybe I’ll make my fearless husband put his ramblings up more often.

Hope you all enjoyed El’s 2 year photos.  They are SOOOO much better than the tear-streaked 18 month ones.  Although the experience wasn’t great for mom and dad (it took us 3 hours to get the photos done, they were so behind) the photographer took lots of time with El and made her laugh and smile, a truly amazing feat!

So, I sign off for the moment.  We’re headed to Seattle in a week and then when we get back we’ll have our Halloween party at our place.  It’ll be fun!

Vacation bound!

Tomorrow Matthew, El and I leave on vacation.  We’ll head to Hermosa for a day, then Sunday will meet up with Matt’s parents in Rapid City and head towards Montana.  Our very flexible plans are to stay at Sheridan Sunday night, head to Missoula and stay there that night, and get to our campground Tuesday.  We’ll spend 3 days in Glacier National Park and head back for Rapid on Friday.  I expect we’ll get to Rapid Sunday, although that part of the trip isn’t fully planned out yet.  Then the three of us will leave the in-laws and stay with my parents for nearly a week and do some of the Black Hills touristy stuff.  Then Friday (Aug 7) we’ll head back for home so we can be here for an acting workshop that Matthew’s high school drama teacher is putting on in Wessington Springs.  It will be a very busy time and boy do I hope El does as well in the car as she did for our trip to Yellowstone last summer!  We just got a new camera and I hope we get good pictures.  I also started an art class (yesterday was my first one) and told her where I was going.  She said to get lots of good pictures and do some sketching.  Since I also plan to write some posts for my two blogs, maybe do a little fiction writing, and get some reading done (and I know El will demand a lot of my time)…. I think I’ll be plenty busy!  Pretty sure I’ll need a vacation to recover from my vacation when we get back…