Hello all! This is Keri speaking. Matthew and I have had this site up for quite some time, although we haven’t done a whole lot with it. We’ve used it off and on for posting pictures of Elizabeth, but that’s about it. I had Matthew restart the website so we can put a little more up here. I hope this can be a place our family and friends will come to when they want to see what we’re up to (and want to see if Elizabeth is still cute!)
So, a basic rundown of what we’ve been up to lately for anyone we haven’t talked to in a while:
I finished residency June 2008 and am now working at a little clinic/hospital in Wessington Springs. I have 2 partners and a PA. We’ve been pretty busy lately since those 3 were gone off and on last month, but things never really got as crazy as residency (except for one or two cases, but I survived!) I’ve also developed (for some unknown reason) a renewed interest into digging into some genealogy stuff in my free time.
Matthew is working from home, currently building a website for the local newspaper, as well as working on several freelance projects with a friend from college. He is taking care of Elizabeth during the daytime, except for part of Tuesdays (we’ve both joined the SACC or Springs Area Community Club, and they meet Tuesdays at noon). Matthew also has a high school student who is interested in programming who is coming here everyday for a special job training/class thing.
Elizabeth continues to grow and explore. She turned one year old last month and lots of family and friends came for her b-day party over Labor Day weekend. She walks/runs pretty well and keeps us on our toes! She’s teething again (getting her 12th tooth, which makes for the front 8 and now her 4th molar) so she’s crabby, napping at odd times, and making Daddy’s life difficult. Darn good thing she’s cute! She still loves her cheerios, puffs, most baby foods (not a huge fan of the meats except for the lazagna and spaghetti mixes), and whatever little bits Mommy will feed off her own plate! El really enjoys all her new toys she got for her birthday: the singing shape sorter cookie jar, the music playing guitar, the train that plays music and spins balls around, her xylophone; as well as a couple older favorites: the alphabet-singing “spin a letter” toy, the push ball popper, farm animal and noah’s ark sets…. really, anything that either makes noise or is good to chew on!
OK, enough about us. I do plan to put up a few pictures later today or tomorrow. I make no promises about keeping this updated regularly. I’m sure it’ll go in fits and spurts, but info will slowly go up here as I get used to the program.
Until later!