So, my baby girl learned at least three new words this weekend. Or at least, she spoke 3 new ones… not that they’re entirely clear to anyone on the street. I really do understand all those people that say about little kids that only their mothers (or fathers) can understand them for a while. After all, who would know whether “Bah” means bottle or blanket or bear but the one who hears it daily? (Elizabeth uses “Bah” usually for either blanket or bear, but sometimes it also means book).
Anyway, the new words. So yesterday she used the word/syllable that sounds something like “Duay”. Said it right after I said “Don’t pick that up, it’s dirty”. Then she used the syllable several more times over the weekend when referring to a door. So I’m all excited about that, and a while later we’re heading down the stairs (we stayed at Grandma and Grandpa O’s house) and I ask if she wants to sit with Papa (grandpa) and she says “Pop!” This morning she used the same word to refer to our dogs (they’re both older dogs, but I still call them her “puppies”). The third word was the most exciting for me. She said blue. Or rather “Boo”. This is really my first indication that she understands colors. We were reading a “learn your colors” book and turned to the blue page and I asked her what color cookie monster was and before I could tell her (keep in mind that’s probably the 15th time we read that book this weekend) she said “Boo!” Maybe it’s luck or she can almost recite the book since we’ve read it so much, but she did call her blue blankie “boo” a little later (she has several favorite blankies, and currently the blue one is tops). She also said “boo” when I was asking if she wanted to read a book (which is a switch from the usual “Bah”).
So if she said “duay”, “pop”, and “boo”, I guess that’s 3 words, but if I count them as “dirty”, “door”, “papa”, “puppy”, “blue” and “book” then it’s 6. I’ll go with the latter and just say my baby’s brilliant!
I’ve decided that although my baby might not be more advanced than the average, I’m going to tell myself and her that she’s brilliant. Besides, as mean and cruel as the world is, everyone should have at least one person that thinks they’re brilliant, beautiful and talented. Isn’t that what moms are for?